Moon Ha

performer-composer / researcher

Mia and Mike will perform artless beauty in pursuit of theory op. 3 on October 11 @ Texas Woman’s University.

Mia and Mike premiered artless beauty in pursuit of theory op. 3 for violin and viola at the MISE-EN MUSIC FESTIVAL 2023, and they recently recorded a beautiful version for my upcoming CD. I am grateful that they will perform this piece on October 11 and 12 in Texas.

The original version had a different first part, which I revised for the CD recording. This piece showcases my romantic side; I admit that much of my work has a hint of 21st-century romanticism, but this one intentionally emphasizes that aspect.

Here are the concert details:

October 11, 2024
Texas Woman’s University
Margo Jones Hall

October 12, 2024
University of North Texas
Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater

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Mia Detwiler (vn) and Mike Capone (va)