Moon Ha

performer-composer / researcher

impulse response (2024)

Since collaborating with new_LOrk, the New York University Laptop Orchestra, on the project reciprocal response (2023-24) last year, I’ve become increasingly fascinated by how real-time feedback during a performance can enrich the audience’s sonic experience. As part of the Response series, I recently presented impulse response (2024) at @MusicSpaceGF in Seoul, collaborating with Yeabon Jo, a composer and sound artist (

For this project, I designed a setup featuring ten white lights controlled by a Raspberry Pi Pico W, which I programmed to operate via WiFi and OSC (Open Sound Control). Using my new iOS app, Sepehr, to remotely control the lighting was particularly exciting. The primary sound source was two simple analog oscillators, with their digitized signals manipulated through a Max patch. Additionally, I experimented with p5.js and Hydra for video, leveraging UDP for seamless control and function execution from Max.

I consider this performance to be a workshop and view the piece as a prototype. This experience has sparked new ideas and highlighted areas for improvement. I plan to further develop and present this work at MISE-EN_PLACE in October 2024

Video (excerpt)

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